5 Ideas Business Owners Will Benefit From
/in Frontpage Article, News /by Starr HodelWe are all searching for the right creative buttons to press during these unprecedented times. There are some immediate action items, buttons to press, that could save your business and even help you come out stronger on the other side. After brainstorming with our crew, the following are the top 5 ideas we felt every […]
Lisa Schwartz Profile – Hartford Business Journal
/in News /by Integrity Merchant SolutionsLisa Schwartz is the go-to credit card processing consultant for St. Francis Hospital, Connecticut Children’s Medical Center, Goodwin College and Hartford Stage and generated more than 100 new accounts in 2014 alone. When Schwartz became a consultant for Glastonbury-based Integrity Merchant Solutions — a firm that specializes in assisting merchants with their credit card processing […]
Are You Prepared for EMV Card Present Credit Card Transactions?
/in News /by Integrity Merchant SolutionsEMV stands for Europe Mastercard Visa, where chip technology has been used since 1992. EMV is a universal standard for processing card present credit card transactions and will be adopted soon in the United States. Detail In addition to the traditional magnetic strip, EMV cards contain a chip that is used to transmit data. for […]
IMS named a First Data President’s Club winner two years in a row
/in News /by Integrity Merchant SolutionsGlastonbury, CT February 12, 2015 – Integrity Merchant Solutions, a leading provider of electronic payment processing and merchant services, has been named to First Data’s President’s Club for the second year in a row. The President’s Club is First Data’s highest sales distinction reserved for its top producing clients.
Reducing Your American Express Processing Fees
/in News /by Integrity Merchant SolutionsAmerican Express has rolled out a new program which will help many merchants reduce the fees they incur for Amex acceptance. Specifically geared towards small businesses, merchants who have been reluctant to accept Amex until now because of the historically high rates may now wish to reconsider that decision.